Sean Maher, a well-known American actor, rose to fame for his portrayal of Simon Tam in the hit science fiction TV show “Firefly” and its film adaptation “Serenity”. Born on April 16, 1975 in Pleasantville, New York, he is an Aries according to his Zodiac sign.
Sean Maher stands at 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighs 69 kilograms. He wears a size 10 shoe in the US. Sean Maher has dark brown hair and blue eyes. He has an athletic body build.
Sean Maher’s father was Joseph Maher and his mother was Margaret Maher. He married Paul in 2016 and they have two children, Liam Xavier Maher and Sophia Rose Maher. He completed his education at Byram Hills High School and received a drama degree from New York University in 1997.
Sean Maher Personal Information
Born on April 16, 1975
Place of Birth: Pleasantville, New York, United States
Original Text: Birth Name: Sean Maher
Paraphrased Text: The birth name of this celebrity is Sean Maher.
Sean is known by the nickname “Sean.”
Astrological Sign: Aries
Profession: Actor
Country of origin: United States
Ethnic background: Caucasian
Religious beliefs: Christianity
Hair Color: Brown with a dark shade.
Blue eyes
Sexual Preference: Homosexual
Sean Maher Body Statistics
Weight: 152 pounds
Weight: 69 kilograms
The celebrity is 5 feet and 10 inches tall.
The celebrity’s height is 1.78 meters.
Shoe Size: Size 10 in the United States.
Sean Maher Family Details
Father: Joseph Maher
Margaret Maher’s mother is named Margaret Maher.
Husband: Paul (married in 2016)
Kids: Liam Xavier Maher and Sophia Rose Maher
Family members: Not known
Sean Maher Education
Completed education at Byram Hills High School.
Graduated with a drama degree from New York University in 1997.
Sean Maher Facts
He comes from a family background that is a mix of Irish and American heritage.
He is attracted to the same gender.
He dated Sheryl Sutherland from 2001 to 2004.
Sean Maher Photos